Promotional Communications – a relevant course

I am a senior at St Catherine University on the St. Paul, Minnesota campus.  I am currently enrolled in a course titled: Promotional Communications and have found this course to be one of the most relevant courses, next to Advanced Management, that I have taken yet at St Kates.

For any student who is majoring or minoring in Marketing, Sales, Communications, Business or even IT, this course is an absolute as far as I’m concerned.

Social Media is the hot “buzz term” right now and will be for the next several years.  Tools such as blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Hoot Suite, Tweetdeck are all pieces of that buzz.  Promotional Communications focuses on the use of those tools in today’s environment and how to build a “following” using those tools.

As part of your coursework for this class you are required to write an IMC plan, in a safe, non-threatening environment (a much better way to go, then having your boss ask you to write one and not having a clue).  This plan includes familiar sections like: Company Overview, Marketing Segmentation, SWOT and Marketing strategies and tactics, but it also includes sections like: Media strategy, a Creative Brief, an Interactive and Social Tools section which highlights what social tools you will be using and why, followed by a time-phased spreadsheet that culminates all this information together.

When we met for the first time the thought of writing an IMC plan was a daunting thought for me, but Sara (Sara Kerr), breaks up the process in several manageable steps so, at the end, you are impressed and surprised with what you have created.

Through some networking on Sara’s part she introduced Reid Sellgren from Conuiti to us, during one of our class meetings.

At Conuiti, Reid sits down with each client and comes up with a social media plan that will work for their business model.  He shares his expertise on how to integrate the different tools, how to manage them (either by using his services or by using your own) and most importantly what content is relevant to gain “new followers” (content is KING in this new world of Social Media). His presentation proved to be valuable and enlightening!

Prior to taking this course, I was aware of the different types of social media but wasn’t exactly sure what target markets and purpose each of them served or appealed to.  I now have a much better idea, thanks to this class.

As a student at St Kates and the person in charge of National Sales at w/, (wslash) I have found this course to be one that no one should be without!

Take this class, it’s worth it!

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Herberger’s “nails it” with TV advertising

Recently, if you have read my blogs, you will notice that I have spent a fair amount of time discussing my position on TV advertising and its ineffectiveness.  In fact, in my promotional communications class we recently had a question on our exam that asked about TV advertising and why it has become “less desirable” in recent years.

Yesterday, I happened to see a commercial for Herberger’s that has me re-evaluating my position on TV commercials.  If you are not familiar with Herberger’s, they are a retail chain similar to Khols or Sears.

This TV commercial really touched me.  Herberger’s is teaming with Good Will to draw shoppers into their store.

For each apparel or home textile item that you want to donate to Good Will, Herberger’s will give you a 10-20% off coupon for any regular or sale priced items in their store!!  Imagine being able to clean your closet and update it with new items, while getting a discount at the same time.

What a great promotion and what timing!  The advertising and marketing personnel at Herberger’s, nailed it!

It’s a win-win “good-feeling” for everybody!  The Good Will shelves fill up with items and Herberger’s gains new customers!

Now, I have never shopped at a Herberger’s before, but I have quite a bit of “stuff” laying around my house that I could donate to Good Will and in return get something for myself, other then a tax right off.

So….you guessed it, I visited Herberger’s!!!  I now have a complete new wardrobe, clothing accessories and a food processor all for a fraction of the cost PLUS I hopefully made someone happy with the items that I donated

Get out there and shop!!!

Below are a couple of links that will get you to their website and share the concepts behind this great idea!

Go to Herberger’s

About Good Wills involvement

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An IMC for a trusted adult

In my Promo Communications class at St. Kates our professor has tasked us with writing an IMC Social Media Plan for a trusted adult.

For those of you not familar with what an IMC plan is, the letters IMC stand for Integrated Marketing Communication plan.  The purpose of the IMC is to integrate all marketing communication tools, avenues, functions and sources within a company into a seamless program that maximizes the impact on consumers and other end users at a minimal cost.

So…this exercise involves 3 things: 1) Choose a “trusted adult” and use what you learn about them to build your marketing demographic.  Then 2) find something that means something to that person and market that product to their demographic and finally 3) what social media mediums would you choose for this product/demographic and why.

My trusted adult for this assignment was my sister and her item, her favorite hiking backpack.

Now let me tell you, this assignment next to Calculus is the most challenging task I have ever completed.  You might think it would be easy, but I didn’t find it easy at all and I’m not really sure why.

When you are promoting a new product within your company, the steps that you follow are very similar to those in the assignment. You need to first address your target market and learn as much about that demographic as possible and then you need to determine which marketing mediums will be the most effective in reaching that demographic.  Marketing 101.  So….why was this assignment so difficult?

Maybe the personal aspect. Maybe the fact that you might be marketing a product that you don’t value or know much about or maybe because there are so many marketing tools/options available that getting your arms around which ones are the most appropriate is daunting.  Whatever it is….I would task anyone reading this blog to try this assignment yourself and see what results you come up with.  I think you too will find it challenging but also exciting at the same time.

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TV commericals – yes or no for effective advertising?

I question whether TV commercials are an effective way to advertise anymore.

Except for maybe the Super Bowl, how many of us don’t flip the channel, go to the bathroom or fast forward through them when they come on?  I know I do!  I also will add that the quality of the content in today’s commercials is lacking substance, interest and creativity.  Seriously, who’s bright idea was it to put Kim Kardashian and Sketchers together in a commercial-really!!!  Maybe alcohol, but exercise shoes!

What about the Progresso soup commercial where people are talking into empty soup cans?  What’s the message there? “Empty your can of soup and then you can use it as a form of communication.” Really….that doesn’t capture my attention or make me want to run out and buy a can of Progresso soup at all!

Here’s a thought though, what if the placement of a commercial, meant that we could choose from a list of ads on our TV, during a show we are watching, for a product that we might be interested in purchasing?  Would we watch more commercials? Would that change our attitude towards commercials? How would that effect the bottom-line of companies who use TV commercials as their source of brand awareness? Would they see an increase in revenue?  Would it cost less or more to advertise like this?  Obviously I have more questions then answers.

One thing I do see becoming more and more popular is the use of products in TV shows.   What a smart and trusting way to build brand awareness, promote brand preference and a persuasive use of product placement.  I see products like: Dell computers, iPhones, Blackberrys, Reebok and other products showing up on shows like: CSI, NCIS and even soap opera’s now.

To me that seems like a much more effective way to market and possibly an even cheaper way to market, then spending the millions of dollars on TV commercials that very few people watch any more.

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The recent situation in Egypt and Social Media

Well, I found another very interesting video on the Wall Street Journal.  This short video talks about the effects (positive or negative) of social media on the situation over in Egypt.

Where do you weigh in on this discussion?

It’s hard to imagine that this form of technology (social media) has so much power!

Click here for video.

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Facebook-friend or foe

Below is a link to a video that I found on the Wall Street Journal regarding Facebook and how businesses are trying to capitalize on their reach by using Facebook.

I found this video to be very interesting and relevant! I hope you do too.

Click here for video

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Trinkets to Trash

I recently attended a Trade Show in San Diego, California where our company w/ was one of the exhibitors.

During some down-time I happened to walk around the trade show floor to get an idea of who was there and during that time, I estimate that almost 90% of the exhibitors were giving away “free trinkets” in their booth.  Things like: Frisbees, post-it note pads, stuffed toys, free iPads and many other things.

It is that percentage and my own thoughts that have spurred this blog and it’s title.

First, the purpose of being an exhibitor at a trade show has two main focal points in my opinion: 1) To let people know of your company and it’s niche in the market b) to get “warm or hot” prospects to add to your data base in hopes of closing a deal with them down the road, which in my terms means, increased SALES!  In order to be successful at building your database you need to be talking with people who truly have a need for your product/service and then taking their needs and matching them to the correct product/service your company offers.  Very elementary.

So here’s where my story begins. Across from our booth was a company who’s service was to provide consulting services, in a variety of fields, within the “learning and development” industry.  They had three reps from the company working the booth, one in particular that stood out was the women in charge of holding a sign that said “Free Kindle”.  Her job the entire day was to get people to come into their booth to sign up to win a FREE Kindle.  What kind of ROI, can you expect from a prospect  who is getting dragged into your booth to sign up for a free Kindle? Why are they coming to your booth in the first place, because they have a need for your product/ service or because they want a chance at winning a “free trinket?” What is the possible close rate on that type of a prospect?

I have worked between 15-20 shows in the 10 years that I have been in sales and in all those years saw ONE sale come from the “free gift” (which was a Garmon GPS at the time).

In my recent research on this topic I read articles and blogs from a variety of participants and the main theme regarding the free giveaway was that the purpose of the promotional item (trinket) is to attract people to your display, to generate interest, and to provoke questions. Isn’t that what your sales staff should be doing, hopefully exchanging business cards at the end of their discussion?

Sales is all about building relationships with people and uncovering their needs.  It just seems wrong to “lure” someone into your booth for the free give away in order to make that connection. Especially if you have a good sales staff who’s focus is to increase your ROI as well as your clients.

No more trinkets!  Just honest conversations with people who have a need for your companies products/services and you, the company, have what it takes to fill their needs.  A simple exchange of business cards should be all that’s required.

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Taco Bell – where’s the beef

I’m guessing many of you have heard about the scandal surrounding the beef used at Taco Bell.  Recently, the CEO of Taco Bell released this YouTube video expressing his version of the truth of what’s in their recipe and thanking the millions of loyal customers that visit Taco Bells daily, across the country.

Now I am not a Taco Bell lover, but I think this video has some merit and the CEO does come across as genuinely believable. His body language, eye contact and tone of voice play a big role in the trustworthiness of his message for me.  Unlike Toyota where comments were made behind closed doors, this guy comes out with a YouTube video so you can see him and judge for yourself.

So…watch and be the judge!

I also provided the link to the list of ingredients to all their foods/sauces, which he eludes to in his video as well.

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Marketing is Alphabet Soup

As I prepare for graduation in 2011, I have come to the conclusion that if you know your alphabet, you will do fine in marketing.

First, how you put a marketing plan together starts with the 5C’s: Customer, Company, Context, Collaborators and Competitors.

To develop a marketing plan requires that you answer the following STP: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning.

To conduct a marketing audit you need the 4P’s: Product, Price, Place and Promotion.  Incidentally when I started college it was the 3P’s: Product, Price and Packaging.

Lastly to develop a media strategy you need the 5M’s: Markets, Money, Media, Mechanics and Methodology.

So….as long as you mind your P’s and Q’s and know your C’s, M’s and P’s combined with your STP’s, you will do well in your marketing career.

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The Social Marketing Craze

I am overwhelmed with the whole Social Marketing craze.
How do you measure the effectiveness of a social marketing campaign?  How do you know what social marketing mediums will work for your business?  Which social marketing networks will be around in 8 years?  Which ones will continue to produce ‘some’ improvement to your ROI?

Is anyone else asking these questions?
I am currently in the process of putting together two social marketing campaigns, one for my coursework at St. Catherine University and one for the company that I work for.  I’ve taken a couple of classes and attended several online webinars on the topic but no one seems to know which social marketing network(s) is the “best”.

As far as I can understand, it’s really  not which one to use but the manpower involved to keep the content current. Whether it’s your companies Facebook page, your Linked In profile, Twitter or a personal blog it’s the content that needs to be refreshed frequently.

So…in a business setting, where you have limited resources, which social marketing network do you focus your efforts on and why?  That’s my question.

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